Gwna fi fel pren planedig, O! fy Nuw, Yn îr ar lan afonydd dyfroedd byw, Yn gwreiddio ar led, a'i ddail heb wywo mwy, Ond ffrwytho dan gawodydd dwyfol glwy'. Gwlad dda, heb wae, gwlad wedi ei rhoi dan sêl, Llifeirio mae, a'i ffrwyth o laeth a mêl; Grawnsypiau gwiw i'r anial dir sy'n dod; Gwlad nefol yw, uwchlaw mynegi ei chlod. Jehofa yw, yn un â'i Enw pur, Cyflawnwr gwiw ei addewidion gwir; Mae'n codi ei law, cenhedloedd ddaw i maes, Nodedig braw' o'i rydd anfeidrol ras. Cenhadon hedd, mewn efengylaidd iaith, Sy'n galw i'r wledd dros fôr yr India faith; Caiff Hotentots, Goraniaid dua' eu lliw, Farbaraidd lu, eu dwyn i deulu Duw. Gad imi fyw, ynghanol pob rhyw bla, Dan gysgod clyd adenydd Iesu da; A'm tegwch gwir fel olewydden wiw O blaniad teg daionus Ysbryd Duw. Ac yna caf mewn haf dragwyddol ddydd, Y palmwydd teg a'r goron ddysglaer sydd Yng nghadw gan yr Iesu pur i'w saint, Mewn dedwydd fyd - O nefol hyfryd fraint. Gad imi fyw :: Fel byddwyf byw
1-4: Ann Griffiths 1776-1805
Tonau []:
gwelir: |
Make me like a tree planted, O my God, Freshly by the side, of rivers of living water; Rooting widely, and its leaves with no more withering, Bearing fruit under showers of a heavenly wound. A good land, without woe, a land given under a seal, Gushing it is, and its fruit of milk and honey; Worthy grape-clusters which are coming to the desert land. A heavenly land it is, above expression of its praise. Jehovah is, one with his pure Name, A worthy fulfiller of his true promises; He raises his hand, nations come forth, A distinctive experience of his free, immeasurable grace. Messengers of peace, in evangelistic language, Which call to the feast, across the vast sea of India; Hottentots, Coranians of blackest colour, A barbarian host, may get brought to the family of God. Let me live amidst every kind of plague, Under the cosy shade of the wings of good Jesus; And my worthy fairness like a worthy olive tree, From the fair planting of God's good Spirit. And there I shall have in the summer of eternal day, The fair palm and the shining crown which is Kept by pure Jesus for his saints, In a happy world - Oh delightful, heavenly privilege! Let me live :: Thus will I live tr. 2009 Richard B Gillion |
God, make me like a tree well planted growtr. H A Hodges 1905-76